Monday Love to your Lens on Life

Conscious Dancer
1 min readMay 7, 2024


“ Youth has no age.”

~ Pablo Picasso

Remember cassettes? Those little compact plastic boxes that held a spool of analog magnetic tape? If you wanted to skip from one song to another you had to use the fast-forward or rewind buttons on your tape player.

Well, cassettes (and videotapes for that matter) are for the most part history, but the vernacular lives on — the terms fast-forward and rewind are here to stay.

Wouldn’t it be cool if life came with some sort of a button like that? Not to actually speed it up or slow it down per se, but rather to zoom in and out of the big picture so to speak.

To quote Jaron Lanier, “You Are Not a Gadget!” We don’t come equipped with knobs or dials. You’ve probably met someone whose ‘buttons’ were easily pushed, but that’s a topic for another day.

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Conscious Dancer

Monday Love News is the weekly newsletter of the Dance First Association - Publishers of Conscious Dancer